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Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!

Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!


I don´t know who you are!

Your fear is as big as mine. You don´t know who I am, and curiosity almost kills you, but you don´t want to ask. Who goes first? Who wants to risk being rejected, or even worst, disappointed? Which one can assume the other feels the same, and wants to start something? I can sense your fear, and how eager your eyes are when you search for me. There´s never enough time and no time alone. There´s always too many questions popping out and no answers yet. I could tell you a few, but I (...)

I don´t know who you are!

Your fear is as big as mine. You don´t know who I am, and curiosity almost kills you, but you don´t want to ask. Who goes first? Who wants to risk being rejected, or even worst, disappointed? Which one can assume the other feels the same, and wants to start something? I can sense your fear, and how eager your eyes are when you search for me. There´s never enough time and no time alone. There´s always too many questions popping out and no answers yet. I could tell you a few, but I (...)

What are women doing?

Is it only me, or women are really drinking their lives out? We can check it up in movies and in real life, too. They are everywhere, with no limits, drowning themselves in big bottles of reds, whites, rosés, you name it and they can´t be stopped, apparently. So what exactly are women doing? Is it a pattern? Is unhappiness spreading or do they simply love it? It´s hard for me, a non-drinker, to understand, mainly because I like facing life, grabbing the bull by its horn and surviving (...)

What are women doing?

Is it only me, or women are really drinking their lives out? We can check it up in movies and in real life, too. They are everywhere, with no limits, drowning themselves in big bottles of reds, whites, rosés, you name it and they can´t be stopped, apparently. So what exactly are women doing? Is it a pattern? Is unhappiness spreading or do they simply love it? It´s hard for me, a non-drinker, to understand, mainly because I like facing life, grabbing the bull by its horn and surviving (...)

Writing alone sucks...

It is a fact that writing alone sometimes sucks. I would love to have people around, at the same page, knowing all there is to know about words and its impact on people. I mainly write about and for women, so having them close enough to understand wether I am really getting the point or not, would be SO good. I miss friends, women friends, the opiniative type, the ones who are always involved in making us better, and crashing us down when we make bad decisions, althoug maintaining the (...)

Writing alone sucks...

It is a fact that writing alone sometimes sucks. I would love to have people around, at the same page, knowing all there is to know about words and its impact on people. I mainly write about and for women, so having them close enough to understand wether I am really getting the point or not, would be SO good. I miss friends, women friends, the opiniative type, the ones who are always involved in making us better, and crashing us down when we make bad decisions, althoug maintaining the (...)

Surviving us...

Let´s skip the glory and the breakdowns. Let´s just be you and me, because I am as damaged and happy, and because you need me, too. I am jealous, most of the times. I get angry, but I love you more and the most parts. I am weak, and so are you, so give up on judging. I break me from the inside, but I mind, and I mind you. I am helpless because you run away, half of the times, but I help you today and always. I refuse to give up, because I count on you staying. I die and come back, for you... (...)

Surviving us...

Let´s skip the glory and the breakdowns. Let´s just be you and me, because I am as damaged and happy, and because you need me, too. I am jealous, most of the times. I get angry, but I love you more and the most parts. I am weak, and so are you, so give up on judging. I break me from the inside, but I mind, and I mind you. I am helpless because you run away, half of the times, but I help you today and always. I refuse to give up, because I count on you staying. I die and come back, for you... (...)

Your love is as easy as loving you!

Love is as easy as you can fit it in. It´s easy to know who and what we want. It should be easy to understand the reasons why we end up choosing someone. It has to be easy to follow the dreams that keep us dreaming. Life is complicated enough, as we have no control on what happens, but whenever it accepts the love we recognize, it starts making all the rest easy enough. It´s easy to love you, to see you when I wake up, and the exact minute after I go to bed. It´s easy because you (...)

Your love is as easy as loving you!

Love is as easy as you can fit it in. It´s easy to know who and what we want. It should be easy to understand the reasons why we end up choosing someone. It has to be easy to follow the dreams that keep us dreaming. Life is complicated enough, as we have no control on what happens, but whenever it accepts the love we recognize, it starts making all the rest easy enough. It´s easy to love you, to see you when I wake up, and the exact minute after I go to bed. It´s easy because you (...)