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Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!

Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!

Ter | 08.06.21

Dreams are SO possible!


Dreaming is what I do best, but nowadays I know what to dream about and how to feel everything I already have.

Dreams are made of what we have inside and we tag along as we learn to identify each and every new wish and desires. Dreams keep us from breaking down, because they lift up the parts we actually have, but tend to lose as we grow older. Dreams are trustworthy, because tey reflect our inner desires and allow us not to go short or small. 

Day dreaming as I search for what can really reflect me as a woman, mother and a person in a world I have chosen to live in. I am no longer scared of going big and wild, because There is nothing I cannot do, as long as I set my mindo into it.

Dreams take me to my eldest son, the one I haven´t seen for over 2 years, but plan to hug and comfort because I will go to him, we will visit New York and all the amazing and long term dreams we have both been having. Dreams will allow me to give my other 2 sons the best they can wish for. Dreams will make me travel, enjoy my days and recognise who I am in fact, no masks, no hihe outs, no fears, only an enormous belief that I will get ANYTHING  I dream of.