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Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!

Feel Me

Sou tudo o que escrevo e escrever é o que me move!


Can we really cope?

Adjusting to a new society is though. Knowing the right steps to emotional freedom a longing island, but it becomes harder when we´re talking about wealth. Buying and buying, getting more of what we actually don´t need, and showing, others, how much (...)

Life is tough!

As Nightbirde said, an american woman with less than 2% chances of surviving cancer - "You can´t wait for life to stop being painful, before you decide to be happy". In the end it´s all about choices, hopes, desires and strong will. We are so much more capable of (...)

Dreams are SO possible!

Dreaming is what I do best, but nowadays I know what to dream about and how to feel everything I already have. Dreams are made of what we have inside and we tag along as we learn to identify each and every new wish and desires. Dreams keep us from breaking down, because they lift (...)

Tell me your secrets.

Tell me your secrets. Teach me your words, and speak to me as if we could both do it, being just us, no hooks helding us down. Come to me again and every day, showing me how to be your person. Tell me what you already know because I promise to listen.  Tell me your secretsand be (...)

Me, just like I am!

I am a lot more than ever thought possible. I learn, each day, how to brighten up my days, being who I can recognise and respect! Living alone and facing my challenges, has empowered every bone on my tiny body, the same one I push on to 10 kilometer walks, (...)

I saw you!

I was having my first alone time after a difficult break up, a few days to refuel and restore my faith on humanity, and enjoying every bit of it all. I could actually bathe naked on the lake, eating the foods no one else likes, but I love; (...)

When life happens!

When we talk about our life and death, everything changes and even being naturally strong becomes unnatural. We are all unaware of our own limits until we are tested. We evaluate and put all in perpective, when it´s no longer up to us to decide. We are weak sometimes, specially when being strong does not apply. It can happen to anyone. It can come out of nowhere to remind us of some tiny big details we have been putting off. It is real and it is often not possible to postpone. When we (...)

If you´re gonna break my heart...

If you´re gonna break my heart, just break it. If you´re not ever gonna love me, just say it. If who you are can never meet who I am while I´m just loving you, please don´t fake it...We never pick and choose who to keep inside. We hardly ever find a way to escape (...)

A true mix mash, I am...

I sometimes have a quite huge difficulty in reading who I am actually being. I tend to see the days and absorb them as they come, but I also evaluate too much, too deep and too conscious of my role, the one I have to have here. My life is a BIG mix mash. I´m either a precise woman, with exact figures, or a mumble jumble of a person yet to be identified. I´m either over productive and loyal to myself, or a sell out, giving bits and pieces that serve no one but me. Selfish? Well, I can, (...)

A true mix mash, I am...

I sometimes have a quite huge difficulty in reading who I am actually being. I tend to see the days and absorb them as they come, but I also evaluate too much, too deep and too conscious of my role, the one I have to have here. My life is a BIG mix mash. I´m either a precise woman, with exact figures, or a mumble jumble of a person yet to be identified. I´m either over productive and loyal to myself, or a sell out, giving bits and pieces that serve no one but me. Selfish? Well, I can, (...)